Playing Casino Holdem is easy and straightforward. The objective of the game is simple:** beat the dealer's hand by creating a stronger five-card poker hand using your two hole cards (dealt face down) and five community cards (dealt face up). To start, place an ante bet before receiving your two initial cards.
Once you've received your hole cards, evaluate their strength and decide whether to continue playing or fold. If you choose to fold, you will lose your ante bet. However, if you wish to continue playing, place a call bet equal to double the amount of your ante bet.
After all players have made their decisions, three community cards are dealt face up in what's known as "the flop." These shared cards can be used by all players at the table in combination with their own hole cards.
Next comes "the turn," where another community card is revealed. This card can also be used by all players still in the game.
Finally, "the river" reveals one last community card. At this point, it's time for showdown! Both you and the dealer reveal your respective hands and compare them based on standard poker rankings.